
Legal Notice

Terms of Use

This website is owned and provided by Lais Hotel Properties Limited, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada, its subsidiaries, affiliates and related entities (“Vintage Hotels”) as a service to its guests, subscribers, members and visitors (“Users”) and may be used for informational purposes only. Please read these terms carefully before using this website.

Acceptance of Terms

By using this website, its textual, aural or visual content including, but not limited to, its applications, images, data, audio and video files (“Contents”), Users agree to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use this website.

License to Use

Provided Users comply with the terms and conditions set out herein, the Contents of this website may be downloaded and reproduced solely for personal non-commercial or internal use. This is a license and not a transfer of title, and is subject to the following restrictions: (a) the Contents may not be modified or used for any commercial purpose or public display, performance, sale or rental; (b) software Contents may not be decompiled, reverse engineered or disassembled in any manner whatsoever; (c) no copyright or other proprietary notices may be removed from the Contents; (d) the Contents may not be transferred to another person; and (e) every person downloading, reproducing or otherwise using the Contents, hereby agrees to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Contents.


This website uses cookie technology to help our customers navigate more efficiently. The cookie is a small text file that resides on your hard drive. From time to time, our site will request the cookie from your browser so that we can retrieve the stored information. This prevents Users from having to provide the same information over and over again. Knowing how Users use the site enables us to better tailor our content and services to most effectively suit your needs. Vintage Hotels never uses cookies to store personal information, such as credit card numbers, nor can any website other than ours read the information we store in the cookie.

Please note that with most browsers, a user can set the preferences to show a warning each time a cookie request is received. Users can also set the browser not to accept cookies at all. However, to make your experience at Vintage Hotels as convenient as possible, we suggest that Users allow their browser to accept cookies.


This website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that Vintage Hotels is not responsible for the privacy practices of other such sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by Vintage Hotels, TixHub and Synxis.

Acceptable Use Policy

Services provided by us may only be used for lawful purposes. Users agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in connection with your use of the services and this website. Users are prohibited from using this website to post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage unlawful conduct.

Users agree to not use any device, software or other instrumentality to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of our website. In addition, Users agree to not use any robot, spider, other automatic device or manual process to monitor or copy our web pages or the content contained herein, without the prior express consent from us (such consent is deemed given for standard search-engine technology employed by Internet search sites to direct Internet users to this site). Users may not post or transmit to this website any unlawful, defamatory, profane or like material, and Users may not modify or abridge any functionality of the website. Users agree not to use the information on this website to advertise or solicit anyone to buy or sell any products or services (directly or indirectly), including but not limited to hotel reservation services, without our express written approval. Users agree to only make legitimate reservations in good faith for use by you and your invited guests only, and not for other purposes, including reselling, impermissibly assigning or posting on third party websites, or making speculative, false or fraudulent reservations, or any reservation in anticipation of demand.

Modification of Site

We reserve the right to change, modify, add to, terminate or suspend any part or all of our website at any time with or without notice.

Support of Maintenance

Vintage Hotels is under no obligation to provide website maintenance or customer support.


Vintage Hotels collects and uses information about Users which collection and use is governed by our Privacy Policy.  With respect to all communications made to Vintage Hotels including, without limitation, data, feedback, questions, comments and suggestions (“Communications”): (a) no right of confidentiality shall apply to Communications and Vintage Hotels shall have no obligation to protect Communications from disclosure; (b) Vintage Hotels shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose and distribute Communications to others without limitation; (c) Vintage Hotels shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in Communications for any purpose whatsoever, including, without limitation, the development, production and marketing of products and services that incorporate such information; and (d) the submission of Communications shall constitute an assignment to Vintage Hotels of all worldwide rights, titles and interests in such information.  Vintage Hotels shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of such information. Please use Internet e-mail only to send us non-confidential notes. Do not include confidential personal or private information. For your protection, our responses will not include any confidential information. Please do not use Internet e-mail to send us transaction instructions. Customers who choose to send Internet e-mail messages to Vintage Hotels that contain confidential, private or personal information do so entirely at their own risk.

Intellectual Property

Vintage Hotels owns the copyright to all material on and from this website. Notwithstanding any other term or condition in this Agreement, Vintage Hotels retains ownership of the copyright in this website and all material on and from this website. This website contains many of the valuable trademarks, names, designs, copyrights and other proprietary material owned and used by Vintage Hotels. The trademarks on this website are protected from copying or reproduction under national and international trademark and copyright laws and nothing contained herein shall be construed as conferring by implication or otherwise any licence or right under any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary right.  Users may not (either directly or indirectly) use, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, register, attempt to register, or modify these marks, or any other marks that are confusingly similar to these marks, or any other marks appearing on this website  without the express prior written permission of Vintage Hotels.


Vintage Hotels strives to ensure that the Contents are accurate and reliable. However, Vintage Hotels and its agents are not infallible, and errors and/or omissions may sometimes occur. Therefore, Vintage Hotels disclaims any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to this Website and any links thereto and there from, including, without limitation, as to the merchantability, noninfringement of intellectual property or fitness for any particular purpose.

Vintage Hotels does not warrant the accuracy, currency or completeness of the contents, including, without limitation, any information relating to prices or availability. Vintage Hotels will from time to time revise the Contents and/or the products, services and resources described therein and reserves the right to make such changes without any obligation to notify past, current or prospective visitors of this website.



Users agree, at your expense, to indemnify, defend and hold Vintage Hotels, as well as our officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates and licensees harmless from and against any judgment, losses, deficiencies, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) incurred in connection with or arising from any claim, demand, suit, action or proceeding arising out of your breach of these Terms of Use or in connection with your use of this website or any product or service related to this website.


Any material or conduct that in our judgment violates this policy in any manner may result in suspension, refusal or termination of access and/or cancel transactions at our sole discretion with or without notice.


Should any provision of this Agreement be contrary to law, null or non-binding for any reason, it shall be considered severable from the Agreement without affecting the validity or binding nature of the other provisions.

Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction

This Agreement and its interpretation are subject to the applicable laws in force in Ontario and in Canada. The courts of the province of Ontario shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any dispute regarding this agreement, including its interpretation and effects.

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